Content is King
We hear people repeat it every day. But I have a problem with this meaning that has become vulgar, it is that we completely forget to specify how to make this content KING. And what we observe is to see thousands of people working with great enthusiasm to produce their content. But afterward, disappointment.
They see no positive results. As a direct result, they quickly accused the ineffectiveness of content marketing.

However, the content is and remains the substance of the web. And with traditional marketing techniques that have become obsolete, content marketing becomes one of the only weapons in the hands of web entrepreneurs to develop their business.
Content must be created, this is true.
But brands should no longer create content as in the past, that is, create content for content. Content for itself is no longer worth being. The brands must think in terms of strategy with a glance focused on the R.O.I.
Today, whether it is offline or on the web, we are all overwhelmed with content and information here and there. We feel suffocated, invaded and in this informational hodgepodge, it becomes difficult to find valuable content and to assert one’s own.
This is why getting out of this informational Babel jungle must be the mission of those who produce content. Otherwise, it will be dilution, drowning in the flood of content created on a daily basis.
Videos, blog articles, podcasts, and infographics, you must make them all remarkable.
So you will understand, creating simple content is no longer enough. You have to stand out and this involves designing remarkable content.
Do you know what remarkable content is?
The remarkable content is distinguished by the fact that it is cut for a particular audience and provides a precise answer. It is first, and above all, a strong attempt to seek to resolve the problem of its audience.
It is content that pushes the reader to exclaim, to jump, to make him think of his 18 years. This content is shared on social networks like a virus, he comments dozens of times. After long weeks, we still remember it. Hey, this is the type of content you need to produce today!
The advantages of good content are numerous:
- It will drain additional traffic on your corporate site
- It will better position your site on search engines;
- It will generate lead;
- It will bring sales in the medium term;
- Lastly, he will position you as an expert, a specialist in your field.
Isn’t that what you’ve always dreamed of?
By following the next steps, you will be able to create content that stands out.

Set your audience
One of the fatal mistakes people make is to create content without taking into account their real target. It reminds me of the first blog I launched on marketing. In fact, I was talking about marketing all over the place. I thought to myself that everyone who was interested in marketing was going to rush on it … but it was a nice mistake.
You should always know who you are talking to. Otherwise, you will take the risk of creating content, perhaps interesting sometimes, but addressed to the wrong person.
To start, start by writing down the image of those you want to talk to by asking yourself the right questions:
- What are they doing?
- What do they need?
- Where do they live?
- Where do they spend the most time?
- What is their activity?
- What are the problems that people in this sector most often encounter?
- How old are they?
- What makes them vibrate? What do they hate the most?
Imagine you have a blog about marketing. Are you just going to write about marketing like that? No. It would be a big mistake. By focusing on startup marketing, you are sure to contact a specific audience.
Another example is that you can decide to launch a blog about weight loss. Are you going to talk generally about weight loss? No! You will go straight to failure. On the other hand, by focusing on women who have just given birth, you are able to clearly determine their concerns and to write articles for them only, tailor-made and therefore relevant.
In short, always make the effort to know who you want to talk to first.
Define their concern
Why it is important to screen for the concern of your audience ? Because you will have nothing to say to them if you do not know what they need, those from which they suffer. At best, you will be producing content that is ill-suited for your current audience.
And let me tell you one thing, you will be disappointed to find that no one is commenting on your publication, does not share. This is what you want? I believe you are wise to understand your interest in it.

Bring a specific answer
Why do you think people are going to search engines? It’s just because they need information. So make them happy, fill their thirst. Whether in blog articles, infographics or videos, after consuming them, they must say to themselves, “Wow! This article really answered my question. Now I’m better off, I know how to do X or Y better. This is how your content will have the chance to be shared on social networks.
Write concisely and precisely
The web is similar to a battlefield where you continually fight against several other factors to get the attention of readers. They have unread emails in their mailbox, they have messages on their Facebook account. There are so many distractions around them that it is difficult for them to pay attention to something more interesting. If your content is concise, precise, and well presented, readers will certainly appreciate it.
There is no point in making long texts. It is not the length that counts or the quantity, it is the quality and relevance that make the difference. Let not a single useless word, therefore, be part of your text. You have to struggle to decide the word that goes beyond and that does nothing more.
Your readers want to get to the bottom of your mind, take them there quickly.
Write like children
Do you know the mental game that takes place when you write to children? Your brain is making an effort to simplify the transmission of knowledge. Do the same with your readers, forget that they are adult and educated people.
Please, abandon your pedantic and philosophical language. Your readers don’t need yet another literature class. What? You want to use sustained language? We are not at the University of Nanterre here.
What your reader needs is to consume your content quickly. Besides, you know, he has no time in front of him; he is a being in a hurry, too much in demand by his environment.
Make your content workable
Your readers don’t care if you have a baccalaureate + 15 or an MBA thing. You love them, so make it easy for them. Make content that does not teach them, but that makes them autonomous.
Do with the content they will be able to execute without calling you. Yes, good content teaches, shows the expertise of its author. However, the remarkable content puts the reader on the path of possible, realization.
Let the reader see and feel that your content is made for him and is thought to help him be independent. It will make you feel good. Make it mentally take your place, that in the space of consumption of your content and until the moment of putting it into practice, it becomes you. You will win the faithful forever.
Become the master who made him a mason and not the master who taught him notions of masonry. No more days when writing epistolary content, the content of bac intellectual literary + … Your reader has a need: he wants to solve his problem. And only content designed according to the manual model can help.
Do you know why the instructions are always appreciated by users? For the simple reason that even a newborn can put them into practice. And when I talk about newborns, I don’t make a joke. Don’t laugh. Please do not complicate the life of your audience, it is already suffering too much.
Create engaging and provocative content
Do you know what makes articles popular on social media? It is their ability to generate the opinion of readers. Your content should always be designed so that it challenges the reader.
This can be done through direct solicitations such as rhetorical questions, calls to action at the end of the article, or indirect questions such as the use of pictorial facts. The fact remains that the reader must feel concerned about your content, he must recognize himself in the content. The second technique is to use provocative subjects or the use of titles based on clichés.
The only way to maintain long-term success is to continually engage people with its content.
For example “Why are all markers, liars”. Most importantly, you need to do your best to get the advice of readers. This is how your content can spread like a virus on social media.
Besides, Joe Pulizzi, the great guru of happy marketing, had this brilliant inspiration: “The only way to maintain long-term success is to continually engage people with its content.”.
You understand everything now.
Use smart images
The web has become visual. And with hyper-solicitation of Internet users, using the image becomes imperative. Not only does it break the monotonous rhythm of a text, it also allows a deeper anchoring of knowledge by the reader.
Studies have shown that humans learn faster when it is represented by images. The visual effectively allows a welded anchoring of information in the human cerebral cortex. It is not for nothing that you see more captivated people when there is an image, without forgetting that the visual makes you look pretty.
You now have reasons to use it in your content. It can be photos, screenshots, infographics, or even videos. But the most important thing is that it must support the message that you send to your readers.
Hold a conversation
I know, when writing your article, you say to yourself: I am the connoisseur, the expert, and I will show them what I have in my bag, tons of knowledge. It’s not bad in itself. Used well, your expertise is better demonstrated.
However, be careful not to speak with an overly authoritarian tone. No one likes to have authority over him. To make you hear better, imagine yourself having a conversation with your husband, your wife, your brother.
The conversational tone links the author to the reader, it creates a connection and establishes an invisible but very real communication between you and your readers. In addition, it allows the reader to have a more human face in the content he consumes.
Break the rhythm of the text, get out of the lesson giver, allude to a case of personal experience and put a touch of humor into it. Your readers will love you for this.
Create original content
Content is created every day on the canvas. Did you decide to create content too? So much the better. But you will have to stand out from the crowd. To tell the truth, I hate reading an article on an X site and going to another Z site to see a similar article. As we know, it is difficult today to create content from scratch.
So many blogs or people have already dealt with the subject you want to discuss. But you have to find out how you’re going to be different. You are free to create light content, but don’t forget this: our old friend Google is watching over the grain.
Your content must be distinguished by its depth, the angle that you will approach must appear new. It is in this logic that you will have the chance to be seen, both by men and by search engines.
Please write well
Who likes to read a text riddled with grammar, hawkish or frape fotes ? Nobody. And the bottom line is that you can have the best content in the world, but if you left plots of faults here and there, then you are off to a bad start.
Do you still abuse adverbs? Please throw them in the closet. Use names or adjectives instead. You are a master in the art of using complex and voluminous sentences? Know that you are annoying your readers.
The simple sentence should be prioritized. Adopt the subject + verb + complement structure. Make life easier for everyone. You have no chance of distinguishing yourself positively with a bad style of writing and endless mistakes.
Use a magnetic and electrifying title
Neil Patel, brilliant entrepreneur and founder of kissmetrics and CrazyEgg said this:
Always focus on creating strong titles. A good title attracts the interest of readers and invites them to read your content.
Let us consider together for a moment these Copyblogger statistics :
- 80% of people will read your titles;
- But only 20% of these people will read the rest of your content.
This statistic highlights the crucial importance of the title, which becomes just as important as the content itself. The first reason readers click on an article or other content comes from the design of the title. Eye-catching, captivating titles pique curiosity and motivate the reader to take an interest in your content.
Think of those online news sites that have discovered the secret to writing captivating titles. Buzzfeed to name a few is a master in the art of writing hard-hitting titles. Besides, go and take inspiration from it.
Are you still there? I know, this article was long (almost 2600 words), but it was well worth it.
It was to save you from wasting your time in the future that I designed it that way.
In the end, making its content “remarkable” is not very complicated. With the will, the necessary prerequisites, and the time available, you will be able to bring your contents out of the lot and expose them to thousands of people who will certainly appreciate it.
This will cause more traffic, more sales, and more generation of leads.