***READ ME***
FREE YOUTUBE GROWTH Q&A – https://www.montellebee.com/youtubegrowthclass
Join myself and Toni Tanner-Scott for a 3-hour in-depth Youtube Growth class. Within this session we covered almost everything on how to start, grow and monetise your influence on Youtube. Featuring special guest Maya Galore.
FREE DOWNLOAD — https://www.montellebee.com/breakthrough-blueprint
Unlock the blueprint to your breakthrough: This 10-page workbook will help you to step into the identity of your next-level self by focusing on solutions, and creating evidence of your potential.
As mentioned in the video, I enrolled into the Youtube Growth Masterclass by Toni Tanner Scott. Ms Toni is a Youtube Strategist and Raven Elyse Tv’s Mother. She helped grow Raven’s channel to 1M subscribers in 10 months.
Following the steps in the course also helped me grow my channel to 100K in 6 months! This course is a game-changer if you’re serious about growing on Youtube.
Watch the replay here: https://www.montellebee.com/youtubegrowthclass
(810) I grew my Youtube channel to 100,000 subscribers in less than a year… here are my secrets – YouTube
(00:00) so I want to start this video by giving you some words of encouragement if you are someone who has been considering starting a YouTube channel but you feel like it’s just too saturated there’s too much going on you’ll never be successful or maybe you’ve been on YouTube for some time now you’ve already made a few videos but you’re not really seeing much traction and you’re just getting frustrated feeling like it’ll never be your time let me just tell you something yeah I have been on YouTube for seven
(00:29) almost eight years my first YouTube video was the third of May 2015. and since then yes there’s been times where I may have fallen off slightly or may not have posted but for the most part I’ve consistently posted at least a few times a month at the very least I’ve been consistent with that my channel has been through so many changes I have been through so many different niches from makeup Beauty fashion travel personal development business coaching my channel has really been through it okay the
(01:03) amount of rebrands I’ve gone through the most important part of this story is from the 3rd of May 2015 up until 2022 I grew from 0 to 25 000 subscribers that is the most subscribers my channel had seen in seven years I was stagnant my channel was on The Struggle Bus I was struggling to to get a hundred views sometimes I’d be lucky if I got 100 views within the first day I’d be lucky if I got 500 views within the first week my channel was struggling I was so frustrated I was so sick of seeing these low numbers I was so sick
(01:43) of seeing slow growth yeah I was still getting some great opportunities through YouTube and I was able to grow my business but in terms of the YouTube channel itself it wasn’t growing but one thing I knew for sure was I was never gonna throw the towel in that is the difference I knew I would not be giving up on YouTube anytime soon no matter how slow I grew I knew that I would continue fast forward to now 100K baby we did it in a year in one year from April 2022 to now I’ve grown 75 000 plus subscribers still growing
(02:18) so that just goes to show how quickly things can turn around how quickly your life can change how quickly your channel can blow up but you never know when that’s gonna happen you never know when your moment’s going to be you could be one video away from your life completely changing my life has completely changed in the past year I’m now a full-time content creator YouTube is my main source of income I’m getting amazing opportunities I’ve built an amazing community of all of you and I’m just so
(02:46) grateful but imagine if I stopped imagine if I did not continue videos because I wasn’t seeing that growth for the seven years that was on this channel grinding it out so you never know when your mom is going to come so I just want to encourage you we did it a hundred thousand like this means so much and I’m so excited to see the growth of this Channel and before we get into the video I just want to say that I’m not going to be gatekeeping anything in this video I’m spilling all of the tea on how I believe I was able
(03:16) to grow my channel so quickly so make sure you stay right until the end because if you’re serious about growing your channel there’s something towards the end of the video I’m gonna share that you’re going to want to know about so the first step is all about identity so you want to be stepping into the identity of somebody who has a successful YouTube channel maybe you want to start by putting a number on the amount of subscribers you’d like to achieve so let’s just use 100 000 for an
(03:43) example because that’s what I achieved so if you wanted to hit 100 000 subscribers on your YouTube channel regardless of what number you’re currently at whether you’re at zero 100 subscribers a thousand subscribers 50 000 subscribers your next step is to now step into the mindset of a YouTube Creator who has a hundred thousand subscribers you want to be taking on that identity as if it’s already happened so how do you do that you may ask start asking the right questions so you want to be asking yourself if I was
(04:19) a YouTuber with a hundred thousand subscribers what would I be doing how would I be spending my time which type of videos would I be creating what equipment would I be using would I be hiring anybody to support me on this journey what do my weeks look like what would my schedule look like how am I looking to optimize my channel these are all the things that you want to start doing now back in April 2022 when I was still on 25 000 subscribers there was a shift in my mindset that happened and I started to realize that I need to be
(04:51) operating as a Creator who already has a hundred thousand subscribers so so I started to brainstorm what would I be doing differently if I had 100 000 subscribers right now and through that session I was able to come up with a few points such as I’d be posting more frequently I would update my thumbnails and my branding I would really listen to my audience and making sure that I’m creating content that is aligned with them so I’m thinking big here I’m thinking that I’ve already grown this
(05:21) community of 100 000 subscribers I’m already getting so much feedback from my audience I’ve already grown a community so these are all the things that I would be doing once I’m there even though I wasn’t there even though I was still getting 100 views and a few comments here and there I shifted my mindset and my perspective to align with the version of Montel B who already had a hundred thousand so the first step is really taking on that identity from now like I say it doesn’t matter how many
(05:48) subscribers you’ve got right now it doesn’t matter how far away you are from your goal you have to start thinking ahead now you have to start aligning in with that Vision now and I can promise you when you do that all of a sudden you just start to see success around you you start to see the opportunities you start to see where you can grow because you’ve already elevated your mindset so when you do start to see the success and you do start growing it just starts to feel natural it starts to feel like of course
(06:16) this was gonna happen because mentally you’re already there and it’s exactly what I was sharing in my previous video all about self-belief you first have to believe it’s possible for you and once you believe it’s possible you then start aligning yourself with the identity of someone who already has it and then you’ll notice that things start to move a lot quicker you start to see that success a lot sooner on so this next tip is for those of you out there who think that you want to come onto YouTube and
(06:44) be completely unique completely original you want to have all of your own ideas you’re a perfectionist so until you find that one idea that nobody has done on YouTube you’re not gonna post if that is you then this tip is going to be for you and you’re probably not going to like it but the truth is the truth everything you see on YouTube is a copy inspired by or is taken from another idea another concept another Creator so the truth is if you want to see growth and success you are going to have to jump on trends
(07:19) you’re going to have to jump on what is hot right now and if you’re someone who wants to avoid all the trends because they’re too saturated or you don’t want to seem like you’re just jumping on another Trend then you do you on YouTube people like to see similarities so your viewers they’re going to more enjoy videos that are of the same so if they enjoy watching morning routines then they’re going to watch a bunch of different morning routines from a bunch of different creators and still enjoy
(07:50) that content if people love to see different trends like that girl Trend soft life Trend whatever Trend they’re going to watch multiple videos on that same Trend viewers come onto YouTube with an intention they know what type of videos they like they know what they like to see they know what Trends they like to see they know what they like to learn so by you wanting to completely throw them off every single time with a unique video a different concept different ideas different styles you’re going to to put them off wanting to come
(08:21) back and that’s the key thing on YouTube when it comes to building subscribers you want people to become regular viewers you want them to know what to expect so if they feel like they’re not going to know what to expect from you they’re not going to want to come back to your channel now the other reason you need to be jumping on Trends is because it works in your favor with the algorithm if you’re creating similar videos to what’s currently popping off on YouTube then it’s more likely that
(08:46) your videos will be picked up from YouTube I’ve discovered so many new YouTubers from my homepage who don’t have that many subscribers maybe 300 500 subscribers but they’ve created a trending video and that video has been taken by the algorithm and then before you know it give it a few months they’re already at 20K 30k 50k subscribers so to see the growth you want to be jumping on those Trends making sure that your content is search engine optimized so you could be looking at other people’s
(09:14) titles using similar titles and then when it comes to the actual content itself that’s when you infuse your personality into it and your experiences and your take on things so the content is always going to be different from other creators but in terms of the search engine optimization to make sure that you are getting the views and you are being picked up by the algorithm you want to be jumping on the trends when it comes to niching down I know that half of the creators will tell you make sure you have a niche make sure it’s super
(09:41) defined and super small and you’ll blow up that way and then the other half are telling you don’t have a niche do whatever you want post whatever you want I kind of am somewhere in the middle of that I don’t believe especially if you are a brand new YouTuber and you’ve got no content or just a few videos I don’t believe that you have to go into a niche I mean yes some creators see success with that and it does work personally I don’t think I think it’s best to explore different ideas interests Concepts that
(10:09) you may have and then see what blows up and then take it from there so a way that you can do that is by creating what I call a combo needs with a combo Niche essentially what you’re doing is is taking two different interests that you may have and pairing them together and creating your own unique Niche through those different types of content so you see a lot of creators doing this and a lot of creators have so much success doing this so let me give you an example of what this could look like let’s say
(10:37) You’re really interested in Beauty and you want to be creating makeup tutorials and skincare tutorials and all of that but then you also really love True Crime for example and you really battling with between which one of these you should do and maybe you’ve been thinking about it for so long and you’re still not sure so this has been a barrier for you not going ahead this is how you can create a combo Niche you could start doing let’s say for instance get ready with me Style videos and in those videos you could be
(11:10) telling true crime stories so this is an example of how you can match them two together and then you can make sure that you are jumping on Trends and optimizing your SEO so your search engine optimization by using trending titles so let’s say you could do a get ready with me morning routine and then a true crime story that would blow up but that is that is a sick Niche that would be such a good Niche if you’ve got those two interests let’s say you’re interested in Fitness but then you’re also interested
(11:40) in fashion you could combine those two together by also doing a similar maybe get ready with means going to the gym and you can also show you workouts things like that so this is an idea how you can really match the two together so right now on my channel my combo Niche is productivity and self-improvement I know that these two are already quite similar so it already works pretty well but let’s say I’m sharing a new habit of some of my routines I also like to infuse the mindset into that as well that’s what has been working for me so
(12:13) really think about what are your interests if you’re interested in cooking but you’re also interested in mind that there are ways that you could combine them together by sharing the benefits of certain foods or certain diets alongside mindset Style videos so I would suggest doing that if you stuck between well what do I post what Niche do I choose how do I Niche down I don’t think it has to be super specific in the beginning but just having a few different interest points and pillars is going to be a great starting point the
(12:43) next thing I would say is to avoid vlogging I know that so many people are seeing so much success with vlogging right now it’s blowing up so many people love to Vlog and I know it’s great I also love watching Vlogs but if you’re just getting started or if you’re on a journey of growing you want to be focused on giving Value First and just as a disclaimer I know that there are some outliers out there who started as a vlog Channel they’ve done extremely well they’ve blown up great that’s not
(13:13) everybody’s story and for the majority of people it’s going to be difficult for you to grow as a vlog Channel the reason being is because people don’t yet know you you don’t yet have an audience they don’t know why they’re watching your morning routine like who are you they need to get to know you first so they’re not going to want to see your life until they know who you are until they’re comfortable with you until they know that you’re their peoples basically I would suggest getting started by
(13:38) offering valuable videos now you could of course create a vlog Style video but just make sure that you are including value in there and just make sure the title itself is going to be something of value so let me give you an example if you wanted to create more Vlog Style videos instead of titling your videos Vlog Day in the Life you’d want to focus on creating more how-to Style videos so you could create a video on how to be productive how to create a consistent morning routine now the actual video itself it can be more Vlog style more
(14:13) visual more aesthetic but just make sure that you are giving them something to go away with they’re learning from you they’re gaining some sort of value because a lot of people are using YouTube as a search engine so if you’re creating a video on how to be more productive it’s likely that people are searching that topic so they’re more gonna want to watch your video which is a vlog style if they know that they’re going to leave you some value and then that’s going to be a great way for them
(14:39) to get to know you and your personality and then they may choose to subscribe from there but if you’re just going to start off by creating Vlogs that are day in the life where nobody knows you you’ve got no subscribers no it sounds harsh but it is actually the truth so make sure that you are focused more on the how to educational value-based content especially if you are just getting started so I mentioned earlier about search engine optimization also known as SEO and essentially what that is is it’s you optimizing your titles to
(15:10) make sure that you show up in the algorithm some of the tools that you can use to make sure your videos are search engine optimized are tubebuddy and then also video IQ I used both of these tools I tend to use vid IQ a lot more than Tubidy now but I do have both of these tools and I do find them very helpful so essentially what they are are keyword inspectors so they help you to find the right keywords to optimize your titles your thumbnails all of that and there’s so many other great features they allow
(15:37) you to see how your videos will rank in the algorithm they allow you to search your competitors and compare your videos to your competitors videos and see you grow there there’s just so many amazing features of these tools they also have an extension for your YouTube homepage as well and that just provides you with even more data and metrics and you can start to see other people’s channels and how well it’s performing and it ranks it and yeah there’s some great features like I say I use vid IQ a lot more than
(16:07) Tubidy now and that’s just because of the features on build IQ I prefer on vid IQ they generate different ideas for you and based on what is currently trending in the algorithm there will rank your keywords and thumbnails for you so both of those tools are really great and really affordable as well if you wanted to grow your channel I would just say to post as often as possible and don’t really worry about having a schedule if you’re somebody who likes to be super organizing you need to have a schedule
(16:37) in place then go for it but I personally didn’t have a schedule I was posting every other day every couple of days and not too strict on the schedule because I know when I’ve got too many restrictions or when it’s too rigid that can cause me to have some resistance there so I just said to myself I want to be posting as much as possible I just want to get that content out there so by me doing that I was able to be so reactive to video requests that were coming into what my community was saying to the questions
(17:09) that they had and anytime I got a comment which was a question or somebody wanted me to expand on maybe something an idea or somebody wanted me to expand on something I would just create a video and post it straight away my personal schedule was very flexible I was just focused on getting as much content out there as possible and of course you don’t want to just put up anything you want to make sure it’s still quality and valuable but I would say just really focus on that quantity and just getting as many videos out there because you
(17:40) don’t know which one of those videos are going to be picked up by the algorithm and when so you want to have as many videos as you can so at the start of last year this was before my channel started to blow up so I was still on about 25 26 000 subscribers and I was super frustrated and I I didn’t know what to do so I decided I wanted to take it back to basics and I ended up purchasing a course so you all may know um Raven Elise TV she’s here on YouTube she’s been a YouTuber for years now I’ve loved
(18:12) her content for so many years and she actually shared in that video that it was her mum that helped her grow her channel so her mom is a YouTube strategist she’s called Miss Tony Tanner Scott I call her Miss Tony and Miss Tony was doing a master class so I joined the master class and I gained so much value just from that free master class so I was like yes I need to join this course so I ended up joining the course and I joined the course I think it was back in I probably joined the course in October 2021 and I was just going through the
(18:45) content because I wanted to take my time with it I really wanted to go back to basics because in the course there are a lot of things that are basic level and especially if you’re someone who’s been on YouTube for a while now already you can start to feel like well I already know it all I already know how to do thumbnails and hashtags and SEO and titles I I know this stuff already but sometimes it takes for you to really go back to those basic fundamentals and to just see it with fresh eyes and to just
(19:12) go through it as if he was a complete beginner and that’s exactly what I did so I went through every step of the course and that’s what led me to updating my thumbnails and then that’s what led to one of my videos taking off and going viral so I definitely have to give credit where it’s due and Miss Tony is amazing she’s such a great YouTube strategist I’ve learned so much from her over the past year in the course on the weekly calls that we have it’s just such a great community to be a part of and
(19:41) Miss Tony has been kind enough to give me a discount code for all of my subscribers so if you sign up using my code down in the description you can save a hundred dollars off of the course and I I honestly couldn’t speak any higher of this course it’s been so amazing and the enrollment is now open which is why I’m only just sharing it with you now so if you want in to join the course make sure you head to my description sign up as soon as possible before the enrollment closes invest in your audio and lighting first before you
(20:13) go out there and buy a new camera investing your audio and lighting I can tell you it’ll make such a difference in the quality of your videos you can have the best camera but if the audio is not there if the audio is not crisp it is very difficult for people to watch maybe I’m just speaking for myself but I cannot tell you how many videos I’ve had to click off because of the audio is so important it really elevates your content and it really draws people in so many people compliment me on my voice my
(20:44) accent the quality of my audio and it does hook people in and it gets them coming back so if you are thinking of ways that you can really up level your content and you want to really post quality content then invest in a mic first I’ll leave the mic I use down in the description along with some other Alternatives that I’ve used in the past that work really well as well and then in terms of lighting natural lighting is always going to be the best so if you’ve got great natural light in then make sure you’re using that it’s free and
(21:12) that will really up level the quality of your videos as well even if you’re just using an iPhone to record if you’ve got natural lighting and a great mic I can assure you your content is going to be great if you don’t have any natural lighting that’s fine then maybe just invest in getting some artificial lighting again I’ll leave the ones that I use down in the description box but I’m currently using just one soft box I do want to upgrade to getting a couple more soft boxes just because I want more
(21:40) of a 360 light in going on but they’re super affordable you can find great Quality Lighting on Amazon so I’ll leave all of that down in the description as well you also want to aim to make your videos 10 minutes plus so between 10 and 12 minutes that is The Sweet Spot I’d say and again there’s a few reasons for this the first reason is that it just gives people more of an opportunity to get to know you to get to know your personality and you sharing more value but then also for the algorithm so
(22:08) YouTube favors longer videos and if people are watching your videos for a longer duration then that signals to YouTube that you’ve got quality content so then they’re going to want to push out your videos to more people so the longer your videos the better chance that you have of breaking into the algorithm if you’re just getting started I wouldn’t suggest making a video longer than let’s say 20 minutes but between 10 and 12 15 maximum 20 minutes that would be a great starting point for value-based videos but you do want to
(22:39) also make sure that you are getting straight to the point don’t create a 10 minute video with five minutes of waffle and then five minutes of value just to make up to that 10 minute video think about ways that you can add more value into that video and if you can’t if it has to be shorter then find you have to think nowadays we’re competing with Tick Tock and shorts and reels which are all quick and to the point so a 10 minute YouTube video it has become more difficult for people to watch now I’m
(23:08) not saying people won’t watch it but if you’re just spending five minutes at the start of the video waffling on and not getting right to the point especially when you haven’t grown an audience yet people are not going to stick around for that they’re going to X off and go on to the next and then finally you want to be thinking of ways that you can extend that value off of YouTube so in other words think about ways that you can offer even more value than just your videos so if you’ve got an email list
(23:33) you can think okay what’s a free Visa I can give people you could offer things like a free template or a free worksheet or a journal or a master class think about things that you can do that gives people even more value and even more of a reason to want to commit to your brand and your content and this is how you also convert them into loyal subscribers so the thing that really worked for me was my free template which so many people now have and use so many creators have gained inspiration from some of them have outright copied but that’s
(24:04) fine I wouldn’t have changed anything because people know where that originated from it was from me people know my brand and by me going that extra mile I’ve gained so many loyal subscribers and I’ve gained the community Through doing so so yeah that is it for this video I hope you do enjoy it I hope it gave you some encouragement and just some new things to think about when it comes to building a brand on YouTube it’s all about stepping into the identity of somebody who already has the subscribers so how would you be
(24:36) operating differently what would you be doing how would you be spending your time what type of videos would you be creating what who would you reach out to things like that so yeah I hope this was valuable if you are interested in the course by my YouTube coach then head down to the description all the details will be there to join that course and yeah that is it see you in the next one bye
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#youtubegrowth #youtubetips
Montelle is a creative entrepreneur coach, travel influencer, and international retreat facilitator. She is also the founder of 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲™. Her mission is to empower female entrepreneurs to tap into their unique abilities and build a profitable personal brand. Through her coaching, workshops and online content, Montelle provides actionable steps that help you break down limiting beliefs and go after the life you’ve always dreamed of.